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Ear Pillow For You in Colwyn Bay, Conwy

Ear Pillow For You

Category : Care & Disability
Address : 6a Victoria Park
Colwyn Bay
Telephone : 01492 535334
Fax :
Website :

Ear Pillow
IMAGE Ear Pillow is designed to keep you comfortable while you rest your head. The wonderful ear pillow allows users to lay down with a specially deisgned space for their ear to breathe, with no contact to provoke further ear issues. With a range suitable for children, teens, adults and for hospital patients, there really is something for everyone when it comes to ear care, prevention and recovery.

Fillings include cluster, foam and hospital foam, which offer different levels of comfort that depend on your tastes and preferences. They can help you erduce tension around the neck and shouldrs, while promoting heatlhy air breathing.
Local based business that offers revolutionary ear pillows, that help your ears breath when you sleep or rest. People that have ear problems find it difficult to sleep on normal pillows, and it haults any recovery. This pillow lets you sleep easy and recover quickly.

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