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Eirias High School in Colwyn Bay, Conwy

Eirias High School

Category : Education and Training
Address : Eirias Road
Colwyn Bay
LL29 7SP
Telephone : 01492 532025
Fax : 01492 531684
Website :


The School will: Provide a safe, well ordered and caring environment. Have clear aims and objectives for all pupils relating to their courses of study. Inform you at an early stage so that you may discuss any matters relating to your son/daughter. Endeavour to educate your son/daughter to the highest possible standard. Demonstrate that each pupil is valued as an individual. Eirias High School is located within the grounds of Eirias Park and boasts beautiful surroundings being nestled between the coast and Snowdonia National Park. The famous castle of Conwy is only minutes away. With classrooms overlooking the sea and parkland, Eirias provides a stimulating environment in which to teach and learn. Eirias has extensive facilities with access to the latest technological classroom advances including 15 Interactive Whiteboards and 15 dedicated classrooms housing the latest networked computers. All students at Eirias have access to a wide range of very popular extra-curricular activities including: sports, drama workshops, computing clubs, languages, etc. In addition, we offer the Early Bird literacy and numeracy clubs to enhance the skills of pupils in years 7 and 8.

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