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Category : Tradesmen
Address : 20 GROVE ROAD
Colwyn Bay
LL29 8ER
Telephone : 01492 532 362
Fax :
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upholstered chair
IMAGE Craig is well known for his passion for classic cars and motorbikes and takes on some unusual vehicle upholstery jobs for customers. Craig is known for his original, traditional upholstery and sympathetic repairs on old vehicle seats which he makes the upholstery in keeping with the age and style of the vehicle. Craig is also known for popping up on the TV Series " Salvage Hunters" as he upholsters Drew 's fascinating finds and sometimes has to work miracles with old antiques but enjoys the challenges. In December 2013 Craig Upholstered a sleigh which was shipped to Switzerland so it could be placed in a foyer of a hotel, the Customer was so pleased with it he put it in his kitchen and held a party to show it off. How big was the kitchen???? Craig Upholsters all modern and antique furniture, he produces the odd bespoke piece from time to time. He also upholsters, Classic Car seats, Motorbike seats, Camper vans, Boats, Canal Boats, Horse boxes, pubs, clubs. bars, restaurants, Headboards (bespoke) and much more. Craig specialises in Ekornes/Stressless furniture replacement parts and repairs and is also trained in Marks & Spencer, Next, Laura Ashley, Collins & Hayes and Parker Knoll furniture. Craig is one of the main foam, sundries & fabric suppliers in the area and is always happy to take orders from people who have taken up upholstery courses in need of supplies. Craig's business is run as a workshop and not a shop he can therefore pass those savings on to the customer. If you have any enquiries please e mail or telephone Nikki Hughes. Please note we are unable to give estimates over the phone as every piece of furniture has different requirements and therefore it is always best for Craig to view it. If you live on the Island of Anglesey then arrangements can be made as he visits the Island once per month. For an immediate free local Estimate then please phone first to see if you can bring your furniture to the workshop.

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