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Pavillion Theatre Rhyl in Rhyl, Denbighshire

Pavillion Theatre Rhyl

Category : Entertainment & Activities
Address : The Pavilion Theatre Promenade Rhyl
LL18 3AQ
Telephone : 01745 330 000
Fax :
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Sean & Mike
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Having made dynamic appearances on the Michael McIntyre ‘Comedy Roadshow’ Mike Gunn & Sean Collins have teamed up to present a unique double bill show that not only offers solo sets from each but which also culminates with both comic heart throbs on stage together. Too much handsome for some? Perhaps, but this is the opportunity to witness two of the finest stand-up comedians performing in the UK today. With super slick delivery and killer punchlines, Mike and; Sean are at the top of their game and prove that good comedy is not just a young mans game. Having funny bones is something you’re born with and these two don’t need calcium supplements.

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